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January 2025


Meet us in February & March in London!


We are pleased to announce that we'll be taking part in two great industry events this spring:

IPG Spring Conference, 25-26 February, The Shaw Theatre, St Pancras, London
Special offering for IPG members for our STREAM-lite solution!
Find out more


The London Book Fair, 13-15 March, Olympia London
Don't miss our keynote there!
Learn more




December 2024


Valsofts invests in the publishing sector: Edelweiss acquisition


Clients in the PubTech space will benefit from synergies and complementary services which are – and will be – offered by Edelweiss and Klopotek. The new assets created under the new ownership will consist of end-to-end integrations and vastly improved services as well as access to new functionalities. 


You can read more in the press release here


Rea​d the related article "Klopotek Welcomes Valsoft’s Late-Year Acquisition of Edelweiss" published by Publishing Perspectives




October 2024

Australian publisher Rockpool uses STREAM

On Wednesday 16 October at Frankfurter Buchmesse 2024, Rockpool publishers from Australia signed a contract with Klopotek to replace their legacy system with STREAM.


You can read more in the press release here

New product offering: STREAM-lite
Specifically for small and medium-sized publishers

You can read more on this page

August 2023

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Montreal, Canada, 7 augustus 2023 – Valsoft Corporation Inc. (“Valsoft”), een in Montreal gevestigde onderneming gespecialiseerd in de overname en ontwikkeling van softwarebedrijven in verticale markten, is verheugd de overname aan te kondigen van een meerderheidsbelang in Klopotek, een marktleider op het gebied van ERP-oplossingen voor de uitgeversbranche op meer dan 140 locaties, met hoofdkantoor in Berlijn, Duitsland.


Vanaf haar oprichting in 1992 heeft Klopotek zich gericht op de ondersteuning van de gehele waardeketen voor uitgeven in druk en digitaal. De oplossingen van het bedrijf hebben een centrale rol gespeeld in het succes van talloze grote multinationals en kleine en middelgrote uitgeverijen, waardoor ze kunnen floreren in een snel evoluerende sector.

Na meer dan 30 jaar leiderschap en visie heeft Ulrich Klopotek von Glowczewski, oprichter & CEO, om persoonlijke redenen besloten om per direct al zijn functies neer te leggen. De verantwoordelijkheid om het bedrijf naar de toekomst te leiden is nu in handen van de nieuwe CEO Peter Karwowski. Peter brengt een schat aan ervaring met zich mee in de uitgeeftechnologiesector. Zijn dynamisch leiderschap en strategische visie positioneren  hem perfect om Klopotek door de volgende fase van groei en innovatie te loodsen.


press release


November 2022

IPG / Klopotek podcast

„This episode of the IPG Podcast looks at the benefits of publishing management systems with Nella Klopotek von Glowczewski and Viktoria Menslin of Klopotek. They tell us how software can reduce effort, increase productivity and help in particular with metadata and remote working.“


September 2022

We look forward to meeting you at our Stand H69 in Hall 3.0!

Find out about new developements & enhancements to our solutions for handling your business processes in a smart & intuitive way. If you have a good knowledge of German, you're also welcome to join a guest presentation at our stand by representatives of Publisher Consultants on Thursday on "Sustainability & Publishing".


Check back soon to learn more details about our live demos & presentations during the Fair. In addition to putting the focus on our apps & services tailored to your needs, there'll be room for discussion on our special offerings – as we'll be 30 this year – and our efforts in the field of sustainability. Did you know that we are part of a team of companies working on creating a Code of Conduct for our industry? Learn more on our dedicated Sustainability Page.

September 2022

Klopotek & Link- Busters cooperate to fight against piracy 

The Link-Busters technology quickly detects and removes online infringements and disrupts the digital piracy ecosystem , which results in sales increases, optimized marketing and the best possible care for publishers.


Klopotek will actively promote services of Link Busters to the customer base and all interested parties in the publishing industry. With a view to the cloud strategy by Klopotek and Link Busters are evaluating technical integration of the services to the broad range of existing and future Klopotek Cloud customers

Peter Karwowski, CTO and Designated CEO: "Klopotek has been following the industries' efforts to protect themselves against piracy for years. There are very effective methods to protect content from piracy. But they are mostly limited to digital content and costly to implement and to operate sustainably. We believe that the approach of Link Busters is much more effective and sustainable as it covers all kind of products and can be easily adapted to new trends in the industry as well as on the piracy front. It’s a kind of cyber police for publishers and authors we are happy to support."



Klopotek Private Cloud: geselecteerd vanwege kostenbesparing, beschikbaarheid en meer ...

Bas Baas, Vice President Technology, leidde het Brill team bij de voorbereiding en uitvoering van de overstap naar de Klopotek Cloud. In een interview met ons legt hij de belangrijkste redenen voor de overstap naar onze Clouddienst in detail uit en spreekt hij over het project dat resulteerde in het migreren van verschillende bedrijfsomgevingen naar de Private Cloud tijdens één enkel weekend.


June 2022

WPG kiest voor de Public Cloud van Klopotek

Onze klant WPG Uitgevers, een vooraanstaande uitgever van boeken en tijdschriften, heeft besloten te kiezen voor de Public Cloud van Klopotek.


Waarom WPG kiest voor STREAM in de Cloud.

Erik van Aalst, CFO van WPG, legt uit waarom: "We zochten een systeem dat ons zou helpen bij het verder harmoniseren van bedrijfsprocessen. Dat ons de data die we invoeren teruggeeft als informatie, zodat we scherp kunnen sturen en tijdig in kunnen spelen op ontwikkelingen in de markt. En dat alles veilig en tegen beheersbare kosten. Bovendien wilden we vermijden dat we terecht kwamen in een eindeloos en kostbaar implementatie- en migratietraject. Dat bleek allemaal haalbaar met de cloud-oplossingen van Klopotek.”



A special edition of our podcast (in German):
The multiple benefits of exports and style sheets


Guest: Julia Reckel, Project Manager at Hanser

Some background information: the practical value & use of well-kept and maintained data in Klopotek

Carl Hanser Verlag, "one of the few medium-sized publishing companies in the German-speaking area still owned by the founding family" (source:, is one of our first customers: This publisher has been using Klopotek for more than 25 years. An optimization project was completed in 2020 which included upgrading to version 11 of the Klopotek Classic Line solution, so all processes can now be handled using the Klopotek software. In so doing, the project team also took the opportunity to address optimization issues such as "What can we get out of Klopotek, exactly?" and "Do we use the system the best possible way and how can our users generate added value?"

Since then, the practical value and relevance of well-maintained data has become and is still becoming apparent at a growing number of departments, especially when creating individual flyers, internal documents, and lists at the touch of a button.

Another element that is being addressed is title metadata in XML: using InDesign, it can be transformed to become a publisher's preview or HTML pages...

The multiple benefits of exports and style sheets


June 2022

Join our team — together we can archive more!

Do you want to join our Group? You will work in an interesting, international team with low-profile hierarchies and will have, from the beginning, your own responsibilities. Over 14,500 users work with our software – by joining us, you will significantly contribute to our goal of making life easier for people in publishing & media.


  • Technischer Redakteur (Technical Writer: native speaker of German)

  • Senior IT Project and Program Manager

  • Full Stack Developer

  • Junior BI Developer

  • Developer / Software Architect

  • IT System Administrator

  • Finanzbuchhalter /Schwerpunkt Debitoren

  • Software Support Consultant

March 2022, Episode 17

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From Voice-driven, Voice-oriented to Voice-first: How Voice AI Changes the Game for Publishing and Beyond

From voice-driven and voice-oriented to voice-first: In the new episode of Klopotek Publishing Radio, Bradley Metrock, CEO of Project Voice and General Partner of Project Voice Capital Partners, explains the ins and outs of voice technology.

Bradley starts with sharing how his personal and professional experience revolves around voice technology, AI, and publishing, and then provides an in-depth analysis of how the emergence and rise of voice technology and voice AI has been making a revolutionary impact on publishing and various other industries.

In the end, Bradley recommends several events and programs to learn more about the most recent developments in voice technology and publishing: Project Voice 2022 (April 25-28, 2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee), Digital Book World 2023 (Jan 16-18, 2023, in NYC), his podcast This Week in Voice, and Project Voice.

More interesting facts about him:

  • His best stress reliever – gaming; and the top 3 games on his list

  • Two figures on his VIP list for a prefect dinner – Jesus Christ plus Elon Musk

  • Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Bradley showcases the main second-person plural pronoun used in Southern American English - “Y’ALL”


June 2022, Episode 19

"Two Dollar Radio" publishing books “too loud to ignore”

This month, Klopotek Publishing Radio puts the spotlight on independent publishers and bookstores. We are joined by Eric Obenauf, and the conversation is all about being an 'indie'.


Eric Obenauf is Co-founder and Editorial Director of Two Dollar Radio, a Columbus, Ohio-based, family-run press, founded in 2017. In 2020, Two Dollar Radio received the "Voice of the Heartland Award" from the Great Lakes and Midwest Independent Booksellers Associations, and was named Foreword Reviews' "Publisher of the Year", among many other awards.

The discussion begins with Eric sharing his entrepreneurial experience – how Two Dollar Radio was launched, and how it has evolved to grow into a multi-award-winning publishing house getting both local and national acclaim. Eric then comments on the increased corporate consolidation in the industry and the impact of the global pandemic on small publishers. He also talks about how his family-run brick-and-mortar, as well as his multi-functional bookstore Two Dollar Radio Headquarters, took root and made their names in the local community through book publishing, events, mentorship programs, and catering services.


More great points to take away:

  • Eric’s personal experience – how the life of an independent publisher plus a bookstore owner takes shape.

  • One treasured motto of Eric that he learned from Joshua Moore – “No one recommends an Okay book or a pretty good book; people only recommend great books.”

  • Hopefully, after listening to this episode, you'll be more aware of where to get your next favorite read and pay more attention to those equivalently great books that are away from the spotlight of mainstream media.

March 2022, Episode 16

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Making Hope a Reality for Bookstores and Booksellers: Stories from Binc – with Pam French

This month, Klopotek Publishing Radio proudly features insights into the work of the Book Industry Charitable (Binc) Foundation, based in Ann Arbor. Binc is the only not-for-profit organization in the US dedicated to assisting booksellers and comic shop employees in need.

Pam French, Executive Director, brings us stories about how Binc strengthens the bookselling and bookstore communities through charity programs. She tells us how Binc came into being and explains in detail how her organization provides help and support to people who face hardship – you will learn about the impact of Binc's assistance on individuals, families, and the bookstore community as a whole.

Find out more about Binc and the great work they have done and are doing on their website where more useful details are available, e.g. how to request assistance, make a donation to Binc to spread love and kindness, and get answers to any questions you might have.


More than all of the above, you will hear Pam talk about:

  • How the financial assistance from Binc changed people’s lives ­– through alleviating pain during cancer treatment, assisting in dental procedures, helping paying mortgages, handling medical emergencies, and in many more situations of need

  • Her fondness for gardening and the pleasure she got from growing a fig tree and harvesting the fruits in Michigan

  • A simple saying that she holds dearly to her heart and that had a deep impact on her: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"

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