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Ervaar de kracht van innovatieve workflowondersteuning en optimaliseer uw dagelijkse processen met onze speciaal op u afgestemde oplossingen 

Klopotek STREAM voor titelbeheer, redactie en productie


Begin elke dag goed: bekijk alle voor u relevante productgegevens in één oogopslag


Bereik hoge kwaliteit metadata als een bijeffect van u dagelijkse werkzaamheden

Suppliers & Purchase Management Icon

Production Management

Versnel de time-to-market van u producten


Drie configureerbare apps in één om het leven van een redacteur gemakkelijker te maken


Metadata Export Manager &
Content Delivery

Beheer ONIX exports en maak flyers op een eenvoudige en efficiënte manier


Vereenvoudig het beheren van compliance en het exploiteren van rechten


Title & Work Structure Management

De moderne manier om u IP te structureren en title families te definiëren


Blijf flexibel in u productieschema's en zorg tegelijkertijd voor project succes


Configuration Tools

Configuratiebeheer hoeft geen langzaam, foutgevoelig en handmatig proces te zijn

Product Dashboard Apps

Volledig 360° overzicht van alle productinformatie met een volledig configureerbaar, op widgets gebaseerd dashboard

Het is dé centrale plek voor informatie en controle, voor elke gebruiker in uw organisatie. Een volledig 360° beeld van alle productinformatie. Daarnaast switcht u naadloos en snel tussen verschillende applicaties.

Product Dashboard Apps

Begin elke dag goed: bekijk alle voor u relevante productgegevens in één oogopslag

Product 360° & Product Quality Manager

Zou het niet handig zijn om aan het begin van uw werkdag, of bij het op afstand controleren van informatie op weg naar een vergadering of vanuit huis, in één oogopslag alle relevante productinformatie gestructureerd te zien?

Met de configureerbare Dashboard apps van Klopotek, gebaseerd op intuïtieve STREAM technologie, krijgt u snel een uitgebreid overzicht van productgegevens vanuit het perspectief dat u nodig hebt.

Bekijk snel uw producten en controleer de metadata kwaliteit: wordt aan alle criteria voor een succesvolle ONIX-export voldaan? Bent u tevreden met de verkoopgegevens van een specifiek product, of hebben ze uw aandacht nodig? En wat te denken van de informatie uit het magazijn, zijn er binnenkort nieuwe exemplaren van een ander product nodig? Stel uw persoonlijke dashboard eenvoudig samen door drag&drop.

De zeer geavanceerde en snelle zoekfunctionaliteit van Product 360° is trefwoordgevoelig en kan in een oogwenk door grote titeldatabases bladeren.

Peter Karwowski, CTO

STREAM Product 360° (EN)

STREAM Product 360° (EN)

Complete 360° view on all product information with a fully configurable, widget-based dashboard As your basic master information and control center, Product 360° provides a complete 360° view on all product information to the various functional types of users in your organization with a fully configurable, widget-based dashboard. It also provides seamless and fast jump-out functionality to other applications. Product 360° links directly to Klopotek’s system-wide Product Pool but can also retrieve information from third-party applications outside of Klopotek (e.g. show stock information from a distributor). The highly sophisticated and fast search functionality of Product 360° is keyword-sensitive and can browse through large title databases in a wink of an eye. It includes cover thumbnails of titles. Recent activities which have been done using the app are stored, and ‘top titles’ can be bookmarked. Reduce complexity with Product 360°: you can browse through set relations and set structures, so handling products assembled in sets becomes easy. The app shows how your titles are connected/combined (in sets, in series, etc.) in a tree structure which makes it easy to navigate from one title to the other. This application runs on STREAM, Klopotek’s cloud-based platform for optimized user interaction on computers and mobile devices. It provides direct and smooth connections to other STREAM apps (such as the Classification Manager) as well as the Klopotek Classic Line for handling specific tasks. Customize and arrange widgets to create your personal dashboard The content and overall look and feel of every dashboard can be individualized, providing high-level to granular information based on the needs of role and responsibilities of the individual user. You can choose from a variety of widgets to be included in your dashboard. Many of them come with configuration options. The layout of the widgets has been designed to present their content in the most efficient way: all the necessary information is presented at one glance. Widgets of the following types can be added to your dashboard: Full-text widgets and overview lists for marketing texts (“blurbs”) Quote Note Comment Content Widgets which show titles in context and provide navigation possibilities (e.g. for product families, set relations, series, etc.) Product, Series or Set Relations Product, Series or Set Structure Set Details on Set Record Status and Publication Dates Print Sizes Specification and Extent Prices per Copy Product Sales and Returns Product Family Originators Main Product Data Classifications More of the same can have a huge impact: use widgets more than once Product 360° allows you to add the same widget to your dashboard more than once. For example, the ‘Product Sales and Returns’ widget can be configured to get the related information from the Klopotek statistics database for a specific year, and a second ‘Product Sales and Returns’ widget can display the information for the previous year next to it or below it. Comparing data becomes easy and straightforward. Configuring widgets is simple but effective: examples for various roles The text widgets can be modified to either show a list of available texts (clicking on the items in the list will open the files) or individual ones. At many publishers, the Sales team will need an overview of available texts, while for people in Marketing, the author bio might be the most important information which should always be displayed at the top. The same is the case for the ‘Classifications’ widget: Klopotek supports all industry standards (BIC, BISAC, Thema), but users can choose which one(s) to focus on. As an example, a member of the Sales team is likely to be interested in an internal classification which displays various types of sales information, while´someone in Marketing who works for the US market might want to see the BISAC information at the top of the dashboard. The ‘Prices Per Copy’ widget, which gets data from the standard price list, can be changed to include prices from the past, if desired.
Product Quality Manager (EN)

Product Quality Manager (EN)

Makes it easy to monitor and enhance metadata quality on both a (large) title list and a single product level Backlist titles are often used as templates for creating new titles in ERP systems without checking in the first place if all metadata will be correct for the new title. And there are various other reasons – such as switching to a new system, adapting to changing market requirements, acquisitions of products from other publishers, etc. – why titles are often associated with wrong or incomplete metadata. Improving your metadata will ensure that your titles are more likely to be found on the Web, and you will benefit from a greater acceptance among your distributors. Our smart tool brings monitoring and improving metadata to a STREAM app level: easy to work with, accessible from anywhere and on any type of device. To cover all relevant aspects in this area, Klopotek’s Product Quality Manager provides two views on data management: the (large) title list and the single product level. Title list level: check and manage large lists in a smart and simple way The intelligent adaptive user interface shows all relevant information from different angles: the overall metadata quality level of the respective list, the progress of improving the data quality as the publication date of titles nears, and important quality issues. Individual watch lists enable the users of your organization to keep track of the quality status of all titles in the list, to identify issues and areas where information is missing, to compare the quality level of titles, and to track the ‘bad’ ones. All widgets can be configured based on user-specific criteria – including imprint, division, subject, user assignments – to create lists of titles that are tailored to the team that works on these products. Our specific widgets of the Product Quality Manager summing up information on a title list level are the following: - Information on the overall metadata quality level for the selected lists - An intuitive chart view on the process of improving the data quality to make reoccurring issues and errors clear - The same widget (configured differently) can be used multiple times which makes it easy to compare data and / or get a complete overview of the entire product pool Single product level: see which types of metadata need adjustments next to scheduled publication date As this STREAM dashboard technology product is an extension of our highly configurable Product 360° app for a comprehensive overview of product information, widget ‘families’ for both metadata and general product data can be combined to give all types of users (data quality managers, but also editors and people in production) exactly the information they need. The specific widgets for enhancing metadata quality on a single title level are: - An overview of the data quality status of the title - Information on which types of metadata are incorrect or missing - A list of all criteria to provide high-quality metadata with a drill-down functionality to single rules - Workflow-based quality checks - Information on the product family (quality status of different editions or version types) All industry standards, such as ONIX, are fully supported. The app can also make title import processes that are necessary for retailers such as Amazon smoother and help to clean up your product pool.
Inventory Manager (EN)

Inventory Manager (EN)

Klopotek’s Inventory Manager can help you reduce costs across the supply chain, as it enables you to clearly determine when your publishing products should be reproduced. This is made possible by making use of two views that can be presented next to each other: A full ‘observer’ or ‘monitoring’ overview of your entire stock inventory and all titles (or specific groups of titles) In addition to standard KPIs such as ‘critical stock’ and ‘minimum stock’, this smart app also takes into account forecast figures and real sales. Forecasts are automatically calculated based on reference sales figures and adjusted to each individual product. In addition, minimum stock values are automatically calculated based on the determined forecast figures. This is also helpful for estimating the required minimum stock for new productions. As the difference between forecast and real sales is made transparent, your users in Title Management, Editorial, and Production can determine the best possible moment when additional stock or products should be ordered. A detailed view at title level for specific products that are particularly relevant Next to the comprehensive ‘monitoring’ overview, the app can display all relevant information at single title level. As the data is directly accessible and understandable at one glance, your users can directly decide on production-related actions, e.g. reprinting. With the Inventory Manager, you can avoid overproduction without a loss in sales and achieve an in-time production process.

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Metadata Management

STREAM Title Management Apps

Metadata Management

U weet hoe belangrijk het is om hoogwaardige metadata aan verschillende spelers in onze branche te verstrekken, maar de processen die u hiervoor hebt zijn complex en moeilijk te organiseren en af te ronden?

Title and Work Structure Management

Het beheren van 'werken' (intellectuele eigendommen) en het creëren van titels op basis van deze werken helpt u om efficiënter te zijn.

Title Life Cycle Manager



Met onze geïntegreerde apps beheert u alle aspecten van metadata bijna ongemerkt als onderdeel van uw dagelijks werk. U kunt uw eigen scenario's en workflows selecteren of zelfs ontwerpen en bepalen welke data op welk moment en in welke kwaliteit moeten worden toegevoegd.

Dankzij de intuïtieve processtappen kunt u gefocust blijven op wat u op dat moment aan het doen bent, terwijl de apps ervoor zorgen dat alle relevante metadata wordt verzorgd bij het beheren van titeltypen, informatie en structuren.

Titel Life Cycle Manager

Drie configureerbare apps in één om het leven van een redacteur gemakkelijker te maken. Op het cloud-gebaseerde STREAM-platform kunnen redacteuren gebruikmaken van drie apps gecombineerd in één zeer configureerbare tool om titeltypen, structuren en metadata op een intuïtieve manier te beheren. Alle workflowstappen voor het toevoegen en bewerken van gegevens zijn eenvoudig en duidelijk op elk type apparaat.

Early Title Manager is een slimme app waarmee redacteuren eerste concepten kunnen maken zonder het systeem te vervuilen. U kunt plannings- en budgetteringstools voor het doen van een eerste berekening gebruiken, zelfs als er slechts weinig informatie over een geplande titel beschikbaar is.

Title Structure Manager is relevant voor het maken en definiëren van de kenmerken van nieuwe titels op basis van titelsjablonen, zodat u tijd kunt besparen. 'Titelfamilies' stellen gebruikers in staat om verschillende versietypes en formaten van hetzelfde intellectuele eigendom te combineren.  

Title Metadata Editor vereenvoudigt het invoeren en bewerken van metadata, aangepast aan uw behoeften en voorkeuren, door uit verschillende scenario's te kiezen. U bepaalt welke attributen en gegevens in uw workflow moeten worden opgenomen en kunt zo uw eigen gebruikersinterface maken voor titelbeheer.

Title Life Cycle Manager - Part 1 (EN)

Title Life Cycle Manager - Part 1 (EN)

Three configurable apps in one to make an editor’s life easier On the cloud-based STREAM platform, editors can make use of three apps combined in one highly configurable tool to manage title types, structures, and metadata in an intuitive manner. All workflow steps of adding and editing data are easy and straightforward on any type of device. Three apps as three different views on managing the entire product life cycle Early Title Manager is a smart app that enables editors to create first drafts without cluttering the system with data for titles that will, eventually, not be published, as evaluations show that they are not ready for market. Planning and budgeting tools for doing a first calculation can be used, even if only little information on a planned title is available. All workflow steps from entering first pieces of information and metadata to preparing for getting the title approved at the Editorial Meeting are covered. Title Structure Manager is relevant for creating and defining the characteristics of new titles based on title templates, so you can save time. ‘Title families’ enable users to combine different version types and formats of the same intellectual property. Planning an audio book or e-variant to follow a book that has already been published or managing parallel versions can be done in a few clicks. Title Metadata Editor facilitates entering and editing metadata at a highly customizable level by selecting from various scenarios. You decide which attributes and data should be included in your workflow and thus can create your own user interface for title management. Dashboard with ultra-fast search functionality for managing titles Features of the STREAM apps Early Title Manager, Title Structure Manager, and Title Metadata Editor are accessible using one single, unified dashboard with a central search functionality. As most tasks start with editing an existing title or using a specific title as a basis, intelligent filters can be selected, so your search results will be very precise to save time: ‘drafts’, ‘forthcoming’, or ‘published’ titles – or specific ‘series’ only. Of course, it is also possible to create new titles, series, sets, and templates from scratch. All necessary options are available when working on a title basis, such as editing the structure or the metadata, or creating new products (also as part of a ‘version family’). Search results as ad-hoc exports Searching with STREAM apps happens in the blink of an eye. In Title Life Cycle Manager, the results are not only available as an intuitive list with thumbnails but can also be presented in a highly configurable ‘table view’. The results displayed in this view can be exported to MS Excel®, and users can also do a preliminary ad-hoc catalog export based on the configuration of the style sheet for the ‘table view’ option.
Title Life Cycle Manager - Part 2 (EN)

Title Life Cycle Manager - Part 2 (EN)

Three configurable apps in one to make an editor’s life easier On the cloud-based STREAM platform, editors can make use of three apps combined in one highly configurable tool to manage title types, structures, and metadata in an intuitive manner. All workflow steps of adding and editing data are easy and straightforward on any type of device. Three apps as three different views on managing the entire product life cycle Early Title Manager is a smart app that enables editors to create first drafts without cluttering the system with data for titles that will, eventually, not be published, as evaluations show that they are not ready for market. Planning and budgeting tools for doing a first calculation can be used, even if only little information on a planned title is available. All workflow steps from entering first pieces of information and metadata to preparing for getting the title approved at the Editorial Meeting are covered. Title Structure Manager is relevant for creating and defining the characteristics of new titles based on title templates, so you can save time. ‘Title families’ enable users to combine different version types and formats of the same intellectual property. Planning an audio book or e-variant to follow a book that has already been published or managing parallel versions can be done in a few clicks. Title Metadata Editor facilitates entering and editing metadata at a highly customizable level by selecting from various scenarios. You decide which attributes and data should be included in your workflow and thus can create your own user interface for title management. Dashboard with ultra-fast search functionality for managing titles Features of the STREAM apps Early Title Manager, Title Structure Manager, and Title Metadata Editor are accessible using one single, unified dashboard with a central search functionality. As most tasks start with editing an existing title or using a specific title as a basis, intelligent filters can be selected, so your search results will be very precise to save time: ‘drafts’, ‘forthcoming’, or ‘published’ titles – or specific ‘series’ only. Of course, it is also possible to create new titles, series, sets, and templates from scratch. All necessary options are available when working on a title basis, such as editing the structure or the metadata, or creating new products (also as part of a ‘version family’). Search results as ad-hoc exports Searching with STREAM apps happens in the blink of an eye. In Title Life Cycle Manager, the results are not only available as an intuitive list with thumbnails but can also be presented in a highly configurable ‘table view’. The results displayed in this view can be exported to MS Excel®, and users can also do a preliminary ad-hoc catalog export based on the configuration of the style sheet for the ‘table view’ option.
Sales Price Manager (EN)

Sales Price Manager (EN)

Defining complex price structures made easy This smart, browser-based app facilitates the definition process of complex price structures and provides an intuitive, comprehensive overview of all product prices. Workflow support on a large scale Enable your employees responsible for planning and sales to manage prices for all types of products in a transparent way, including scales for products. Price scales, periods, and edition prices are supported. Prices for each customer Sales Price Manager allows defining customer-specific price lists. The models featured in the app make it possible to determine prices by time period, or by product edition. A full price history is provided. In combination with the ‘Global Sales’ license, contractor-specific price models can be defined in a transparent way. As product prices are always allocated on an ISBN or article number level, the connection to a specific product is always clear. Fit for sales on an international stage Not only net and gross prices are supported by the app, but also multiple price types and currencies. Dedicated price generation for different countries based on freely configured rounding rules is also possible. Creating new price entries and updating existing prices is easy. Price management on a STREAM level: smart & intuitive This app runs on STREAM, Klopotek’s cloud-based technology platform for a great user experience on any type of device. A key element of the STREAM responsive design and user interface is to make data – and analyses of this data – intuitively visible and understandable, so time savings can be achieved. By providing the ‘Version Family Navigation’ feature in Sales Price Manager, all products of a version family are clearly arranged and presented on the screen, and it is easy to switch from one product edition to another for managing prices. Like in all STREAM apps, the search functionality is ultra-fast. In the configurable search results list, items can be worked through by successor/predecessor loading. Other elements to make life easier when managing prices are favorites lists and the grid view option. The ‘Price’ API supports the entire functionality of the Sales Price Manager.

Als u de afspeellijst in andere talen wilt bekijken, bezoek dan onze YouTube-pagina

De geavanceerde metadata tools van STREAM

Project & Production Management

Project Management

Uw geavanceerde projectplanningen voor het op de markt brengen van titels, inclusief afhankelijkheden, zijn allemaal gereed, maar nu zijn de prioriteiten veranderd en zijn er cruciale medewerkers even niet beschikbaar - hoe verschuift u taken? Of het management heeft zojuist besloten om kosten te besparen door productleveringen voortaan slechts eens per week te doen, of aankopen bij leveranciers slechts eens per maand - hoe beïnvloedt dit uw planning?

Notificatie Dashboard zal een 'always up' applicatie zijn, net als Outlook. Vanuit mijn perspectief is het een slimme tool voor productiviteitsplanning in tegenstelling tot iets dat een moeizame noodzaak is. Het zal een onmisbare tool zijn om ons te helpen ons doel voor 2030 te bereiken, namelijk het verdubbelen van onze jaarlijkse titels.


Gregory Miller,

Business Systems Manager



Met de krachtige app Scheduling kunt u berekeningen en herberekeningen maken, zelfs voor complexe projecten, in slechts een fractie van de tijd.

Gantt-grafieken visualiseren alle elementen die u moet zien om te begrijpen hoe veranderingen uw planning zullen beïnvloeden.

Notification Dashboard

Specialisten maken planningen die van invloed zijn op de dagelijkse taken van veel mensen binnen een uitgeverij. Als er ergens vertraging optreedt, kunnen veel andere taken daardoor ook vertraging oplopen, wat het succes van het hele project in gevaar brengt. 

Klopotek biedt een configureerbaar meldingendashboard voor alle werknemers, zodat iedereen in het bedrijf altijd weet wat er gedaan moet worden en wanneer.

Scheduling Video

Production Management

Bij de productie van uw titels is het belangrijk dat de producten van uw leveranciers op tijd worden geleverd. Zal alles binnen de juiste tijdspanne arriveren? Moet u snel reageren op problemen met levering of verzending? Moet van leverancier wisselen of samenwerking organiseren? En kunnen uw leveranciers gemakkelijk contact met u opnemen en naar de juiste order verwijzen waarover ze met u moeten praten?

Suppliers & Purchase Management

Versnel de time-to-market van uw producten

De STREAM technologie stelt u in staat om de order- en controleprocessen van leveranciersdiensten op een eenvoudige en transparante manier te beheren - allemaal cloudgebaseerd, u heeft alleen een browser nodig om alles gedaan te krijgen. U wordt door de workflow voor het plaatsen van bestellingen geleid en contact opnemen met leveranciers over een specifieke order is eenvoudig, niet alleen voor u maar ook voor hen, omdat ze toegang krijgen tot dezelfde tools voor overleg en uitwisseling van informatie.

Permission & Compliance Management

Compliancebeheer en het optimaal benutten van uw rechten was nog nooit zo eenvoudig

Permissions and Compliance Management

Ontdek hoe u met onze STREAM app Permissions and Compliance Manager de complexe wereld van licentieovereenkomsten eenvoudig kunt beheren. Met onze oplossing kunt u elke aspect van de metadata afhandelen die nodig is om licenties te verkrijgen, het gebruik ervan te volgen en de naleving te beheren. Dit helpt u de kosten te verlagen, de nalevingsrisico's te verminderen en de kwaliteit en waarde te verhogen.

Verhoog uw efficiëntie en minimaliseer de juridische risico's van uw licentieovereenkomsten met onze Permissions and Compliance Manager. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op om te ontdekken hoe wij u kunnen helpen uw rechtenbeheer eenvoudig te maken.

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